Monthly Archives: February 2007

What a difference 20 years makes

My edition of Arnold Schönberg’s Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19 features an odd choice for a cover image – Renoir’s Young Girls at the Piano. And I find it odd…

The most consistently funny man on network television

I have never seen a Craig Ferguson monologue that was not funny. From the time, years ago, when the reformed alcoholic refuted rumours that he had started drinking again (“If…

An open letter to Bell Canada

Hey Bell, nice talking to you again. Say, a funny thing happened when I opened my mail the other day. I found a letter from you, Bell, congratulating me on…

Well I thought it was interesting

Warning: this post contains some spoilers about the movies Fargo and Raising Arizona. If you haven’t seen these movies yet, go rent them and then come back and continue reading…